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DIPLOMA IN SUPERVISION   - Relational/Developmental Approach


What is a Relational/Developmental Supervision Training?

Relational/developmental supervision training will draw on psychology using a humanistic – integrative approach. It draws upon shame in the learning process and a range of integrative theories to enable a thorough understanding of how to work effectively with the supervisee. Trainee supervisors will therefore be relationally centred, being able to be flexible enough to meet the needs of the supervisee as well as holding good professional boundaries. The relationship is a crucial part of the supervisory process and underpinning the course will be a working knowledge of the dynamics of relating including the issue of transference.


Who is the course aimed at?

The course is aimed at attracting those who have experience of working with clients in a counselling/psychotherapy setting who would like to expand their skill and knowledge and move to a supervisory role within their work. It is also suitable for those who work in other related settings that require supervision such as teachers, nurses, social workers and voluntary sector workers. It provides an excellent basis for anyone who would wish to supervise in either in statutory settings or private practice. Acceptance for training is based on a selection process comprising a written application and reference.

Other requirements

  • All trainees must have completed their formal training have a Diploma in counselling or psychotherapy and have experience as a practising counsellor/psychotherapist or allied professional.

  •  All trainees working with supervisees to be in regular supervision. (See section on supervision)

  • All trainees must have Professional Indemnity Insurance.

  • All trainees have to be a member of TACT 



  • The contextual field: what is supervision, forming a supervisory relationship.

  • Developing the supervisory relationship. Working with transferential processes.

  • Supporting the supervisory alliance.  Working with learning styles and understanding shame.

  • Anti-oppressive practice and supervision. Supervision and different client groups, including children and young people.

  • Being a supervisor: managing ethical dilemmas.  Working within the legal framework.

  • Group presentations.   Each member will make a short presentation on an area of supervision in which they have developed a particular interest.


Course Tutor

Karen Davies-Hough is the Course Tutor who is a UKCP Registered Psychotherapist and a BACP Accredited Counsellor.   Karen currently runs a Diploma in Psychotherapeutic Counselling with Children at TACT and is a supervisor for those working with adults and/or children.


Students who are undertaking the training need to practice their skills in a real-life environment and are required to have 50 hours of supervision practice in order to obtain their Diploma.
It is mandatory that students have supervision with a suitably qualified EIATSCYP, UKCP or BACP accredited supervisor about their work with supervisees. Students will be expected to complete 30 hours of supervision in order to obtain their Diploma in Supervision.


Assessment of skills and knowledge is an ongoing part of the course and will include Self, Peer and Tutor assessment via a mini case study, tape transcript and presentation to the group.


Successful candidates will be awarded the Diploma in Supervision by TACT on the successful completion of the course and course work assignments. In addition candidates must have attended all workshops and met the requirements of clinical supervision and supervision practice. TACT is an accredited training organisation with the European Interdisciplinary Association for Therapy with Children and Young People (EIATSCYP).


The Course takes place over 1 year. The training will be run over two blocks of 4 days or 4 weekends. Details of the next dates and format of the training are available on request.
The days will start at 9.30am and end at 5.00pm, with morning and afternoon breaks and an hour for lunch.



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